Daniela Seggewiss Age 3
DS Bus Birthday Cheers

Never growing up though! 😋

Being a Roadie is not a career, it’s a way of life and it suits me to a tee! Travelling, exploring new culture and music, all nicely wrapped up in black. 

It seems unconsciously I (age 3) always knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. It took 10 years for me to consciously figure this out and another 5 years of  persistently ignoring doubters always keeping my eyes on the goal !

Daniela Seggewiss Monitor Engineer

I am incredibly grateful to have figured it out and managed to create a career that rarely feels like work at all. It has been a wild ride going from MiniMe age 3 to turning 30 on the road ! 

DS Rockstar

And last but not least . . . Ladies and Gentlemen!

My introduction wouldn’t be complete without the mention of my trusty sidekick !


LeeRoy Travels

I saw LeeRoy’s profile online in November 2018 and it turned out we are from the same little town in Germany’s west! We met for the first time just a couple of weeks later and never looked back. 

LeeRoy has been travelling the world with me ever since, meeting friends on the road and watching over my console whenever I’m not around!

LeeRoy Road
On the Road
LeeRoy making friends @ WOA
Wacken Open Air
LeeRoy making friends
Sweet Friends
LeeRoy making friends
Festival Fun
FOH Security